Tag: 2022

The Boy and the Striped Pyjamas

This week we had to do an activity about a book we have read. ” Create a Canva or Piktochart to advertise a book that you love. You need to make other people want to read it!” is the one that I have chosen for it and the book I have chosen is called The Boy in The Striped Pyjamas

Here is the list of activity we could do –

Here is a design of a poster that I have made –

A summary at the back of the book –

During World War II, 8-year-old Bruno and his family leave Berlin to take up residence near the concentration camp where his father has just become commandant. Unhappy and lonely, he wanders out behind his house one day and finds Shmuel, a Jewish boy of his age. Though the barbed-wire fence of the camp separates them, the boys begin a forbidden friendship, oblivious to the real nature of their surroundings.

One of my favourite parts was at the end because it was really saddening and heartwarming. I can’t really tell anything about the end since it is a spoiler.

Thank you for reading and what’s your favourite book?

Ngāti Kurī Proud

This week for reading we had to read about the stories about Ngāti Kurī Proud. Ngāti Kurī is a traditional Maori story or a pakiwaitara that explains natural phenomena or why something the way it is. The book is about how Ngāti Kurī got its name, it is also three stories in one and three siblings retell them.

After we had read it, we had to also listen to the audio book about it. Then we had to write on our JamBoard about a new thing we learnt. We also had to make a DLO about it.

This is my DLO


What do you think about this story?

Ruru and the Giant Pouakai

This week we had to read a story about Ruru and the Giant Pouakai. Ruru and the Giant Pouakai is a story tale about a giant bird who came to eat people. After we had read the story we had to make DLO that summarises the story.

Here is a summary

Mt Torlesse is a tall mountain in Canterbury. Many Maori fished in Mt Torlesse. Then a giant evil bird called the Pouakai landed on the top of the mountain. It was hunting for people. The Rangatira of the pa warned his people. The people hid in the pa. They were getting hungry and thirsty so they chose 40 of their bravest men to go hunt. They built a cage to bait the Pouakai. The giant bird came swooping in to capture Ruru. Ruru reached the cage. Pouakai clawed the cage but his claws got stuck in the holes inside the cage. Then the men destroyed the bird and the people were saved.

Here is my DLO

A picture from the story

What do you think about Ruru?

Forensics Science – Foot to Height

Aim: Find out the approximate height of each of your classmates by measuring their foot.
  1. Ruler

  2. Pencil


  1. Have the students in your group remove their shoes.

  2. Measure their height.

  3. Measure the length of the adult’s left foot from the wall to the tip of the big toe.

  4. Use a chart like the one below to record your measurements.

      5. To get a final total you will need to:

  • Divide the length of each person’s left foot by his/her height.

  • Multiply the number by 100. ( You may want to use the calculator on a chromebook for this activity.)

Animal Migration

This week for reading we had to learn about animals. My group had to learn about animals migrating. My group had to set off tasks that had been set by our teacher. The first thing we had to do is read our journal about animals migrating . After that we had to watch a video about animals migrating. The fourth we had to create a brainstorm about your journal. Then had to write what key events that happened in the journal

Here is the video

Here is what I wrote

What’s your favourite animals? Thank you for reading my blog.

Te Reo Maori

Today we had to choose Te Reo Maori blog choice activity. For the Te Reo Maori blog choice activity I chose to create a D.L.O poster about Maori greetings and simple words. In the Te Reo Maori blog choice activity we had to choose a something related to Te Reo Maori

Here are the choices we can do

Here is my poster about Te Reo Maori

How do you say goodnight in Te Reo Maori? Thank you for reading my blog.

Maths Blog

This week, my group ( Taparimu ) had to solve a mixture of subtraction and addition for maths. My teacher had setup a few activities for me and my group to do. First we had to do Prototect. Prototect is a list of maths questions you had to answer. Next we had to do maths questions in our maths book. After we had to make a D.L.O about it.

Do you know how to do these types of questions? Thank you for reading.


Maths D.L.O

This week me and my group ( Taparimu ) had to solve addition and subtract fractions. Our teacher had a set of activities for me and my group to do. First we had to do a warm up pro to tech it is just a type of maths game. Then we had to watch YouTube video about fractions then we had to choose a set of maths problems. Then we had to do a fractions maths activities. Then we had to create a D.L.O about how we solved our math problems. Here is my D.L.O

Thank you for reading my blog post!